
Hi! I'm Rochelle

Mother, Clinical Nurse Educator, and a retired Organ Transplant/SICU RN, BSN with 30 years of experience (retired early).

I followed my heart to become a nurse; my next chapter is to pursue my passion for photography! I am a lover of ALL things photography,  travel, and good eats!

I caught the travel bug early in life – car trips with my parents and siblings; (family road trips were so much fun). I now travel domestically and internationally with my sisters and good girlfriends.

My passion for travel has allowed me the opportunity to be culturally sensitive- learn about the rich history of cultures, cultural differences, and similarities that exist between a group of people and to respect and value other cultures and traditions.

Travel has also allowed me to disconnect from the humdrum of normal life; allowing me to reset my mind and body.

Live Thru The Lens was created to inspire people to travel by sharing my amazing travel experiences and tips. I hope this blog inspires you to TAKE THE TRIP! “Travel. As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can.”

Live Thru The Lens: Combining my love for photography and travel, capturing moments, and creating memories that last a lifetime!